LANDSCAPE ISSUES publishes articles and reports on aspects of landscape architecture and landscape education. Typescripts in normal Word format (or simple text) should be emailed to with the title of the paper together with the name(s) and any affiliation(s) of the author(s). A high scholarly standard is expected, and normal conventions for references, illustrations etc should be followed. Illustrations should be emailed separately in jpg format. Footnotes should be avoided. If the file sizes are too large to email, contact us to arrange an alternative method. Further details can be supplied on request: we are particularly keen to promote student research. Reviews of books, conferences, exhibitions are also invited.
Although there is no strict limitation on the length of articles, 2000-5000 words are preferred. Reports are generally not as long and cover matters of topical interest, short research projects or seminars. Illustrations are welcome: diagrams should be neat and clear; (digital) photographs should be at a suitable resolution for publication (300 dpi). Copyright is held by the authors of all work submitted. Articles may contain views which do not coincide with the Editorial Team.